What is the cause of a leak in my window air conditioner?

It is common for people to pick up the phone and call a professional if they notice that their Window AC water leakage. It is totally normal and to be expected that your AC unit will produce some condensation under certain circumstances. When it is very hot and humid outside and the thermostat setting is low, the unit will produce some condensation because it is working very hard to cool your house.

It's best to call an HVAC repair company to inspect your AC unit if you have questions about condensation or leaking. Generally, your AC unit should only produce condensation when it is running. It should dry up within a day or two.

You should be concerned if your air conditioner leaks lots of water inside your home. The first thing you should do is turn off your air conditioner and call a professional. If you don't act quickly, water damage may cause even more damage to your home and lead to expensive repair bills. Any of the following problems could result in a leaky AC unit.


Leaking Air Conditioners: What Causes Them?

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