Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water? How To Fix It

Delhi summers are hot, which means your air conditioner is probably working overtime.

When your air conditioner leaks water, you may wonder why and what you can do.

You can take steps to resolve your Split AC water leakage by reading on to discover a few reasons why.

Why Your Air Conditioner Forms Water

In a modern air conditioning system, there are usually indoor and outdoor units. As warm air blows over the evaporator coil in the inside unit, it cools to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

In the presence of hot air, condensation forms on the coil. You can imagine water droplets forming on a cold glass of water, and that's exactly what's occurring with your evaporator coil.

Moisture drips into a drain pan that leads to a condensate drain line. Since this line leads outside, you shouldn't have any problems with your AC leaking inside.

There may be times when your air conditioner leaks water inside the house, but there's no need to panic. Here are some reasons why this could be happening and what we can do about it.

Why Your Air Conditioner is Leaking Water: A Clogged Drain Line

If your Split AC water leakage inside your home, it is probably due to a clogged condensate drain line. It is possible for this line to become clogged with debris like dirt, dust, or mold over time.

A clogged condensate drain line prevents water from draining to the outside of your home. Backing up the line causes condensation to leak into your home, causing water damage.

Using a wet/dry vacuum can help unclog the drain line. It should remove anything causing the line to back up, allowing water to escape once again.

It may be necessary to call the professionals if the wet/dry vac method doesn't work. A powerful vacuum can remove the blockage and free up the drain line using a special vacuum.

Filter that needs to be cleaned

It is recommended that you change the air filter for your air conditioner every 30 days. A dirty air filter can make your system work harder, resulting in possible damage or parts that are worn out.

A dirty filter can cause strain on your home's HVAC system, as well as block air from moving over the evaporator coil. Blocking the air causes the coil to become extremely cold and can cause it to freeze.

As the frozen coil melts, excess water can overflow into your pain. Make sure your air filter is changed every month or two. Having a dirty or clogged air conditioner filter may be the reason why your home's air conditioner leaks water.

There is a low level of refrigerant in your air conditioner

As the volume of refrigerant in your AC system decreases, so does the pressure inside it. A wet mess can also result if your evaporator coil freezes.

When your air conditioner isn't cooling down your home properly, check the refrigerant levels. An unusual hissing or bubbling sound can also indicate a leak.

In some cases, you might be able to repair the damage if you catch a leak in time. You might have to buy a new unit if you don't.

How can you prevent these problems from occurring by having your HVAC system inspected regularly? To prevent leaks and other problems, you should conduct a thorough inspection every summer.

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